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PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 3:29 pm
by red37
"why do we not get the credit we deserve?..."

i think in some ways we do, the ways that matter anyhow.
and to me the northern/southern press coverage is irrelevant.

what matters is..........

people KNOW about this club. they know OF our history. they associate moral ethics with the people that are/have been a part of that legacy. an 'integrity'.  a certain way that eminates from within. that reeks from the terraces.

why 2 nights ago,  'joe public' sat infront of their media driven plastic pandora's box in the corner of the room. and were asked to participate in a vote, to ascertain the SIGNIFICANCE of world events over the last half century. and the relevance of such events to their own memory..... we came 9TH. (an example of our ESTEEM)

this may not be the best MARKETED club ever? although we're not exactly in the 'netto beans' category.
this may not be the most SUPPORTED club in the world..
and this may not even be the most FASHIONABLE of set-ups, as far as trend/whim/flavour of the month types go....
this club is by no means even one of the WEALTHIEST....

but it is the blueprint in terms of 'what they'd all like to be remembered as'  they are  trying to ASPIRE to.

carragher last night spoke words into the camera that will never appear in the 'evening standard' or the observer...
sentiments the kings road will never be able to comprehend..

words like dignity do not cost ANYTHING to behold..

walk- on.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 3:56 pm
by red37
as a side note. i remember in the seventies/eighties we werent given a lot of respect from the media..(until now, funny enough).. for winning everything..we were boring?

as for the nineties, well thats when we did the damage i terms of ink sold. and the flowering of MUFC. that didnt do us any favours. and rightly so..

only this century, the "naughties"? has seen us rise up.
and when you look at it, weve done VERY well in 4 years.. its interesting to observe the similar pattern in the 73-77 period as well, just prior to world domination!..  lightning striking twice?

you better believe it mauhreen   :cool:

PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 4:48 pm
by daddyo
A lot of what we read about and hear is quite simply fear.

The 'others' seem fearful that we're about to find some kind of form and the  fortitude to threaten the 'top three'.

It's strange that they all seemed to be slagging each other throughout the season, when we won the CL they all got together to say how lucky we were.
you could hear them-" euro champs my ar_se, how lucky, blah, blah.........." yet last night it was more like " we went to the home of the Euro. Champs. and came back with a draw"...Hmm.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 4:51 pm
by JBG
I think the handball was deliberate, if a split second reflex action can be considered deliberate.

Gallas had his arms up, the ball came at him and he thrust his body to block it. However, he elevated and extended his arm further to block the ball.

It was a deliberate handball and a penalty should have been given. However, thats football.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 4:58 pm
by davo_LFC
agree with you lando griffin lad...hate the glory hunting cunts :angry:

PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 5:18 pm
by akumaface
You know why we never got the credit we deserved? Its because we are humble but most other top teams can all be considered cocky :censored: (eg. Chelski, Real Madrid). LFC is a down to earth kind of club and I consider LFC as pure a football team there is. Press is not interested in our club as they see we are too boring as there is nothing they can write other than football. Press chose to hate us as they think our success is always lucky. But I don't give a $hit on what they say because we achieved no other English club had done and that's won the European championship 5 times. No wonder they hate us!! :p

PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 5:32 pm
by FrankM
Dunno if the handball was intentional or not but I think the ball was either going in or would have hit the post. Surprised noone mentioned this. Either way it was a stonewall penalty and if deliberate a red card

Duff & Robben apparently were the reason we won semifinal. Well I believe that both of them were not only taken off last night but also in the league match last season on the day fat Frank broke Xabi's ankle.

Talking about ratings, BBC teletext this morning gave Xabi 6/10. Can you believe that? He was man of the match!

I think that is general the broadsheets seem to give us more credit than the tabloids. Just an opinion

PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 5:35 pm
by Ace Ventura
JBG wrote:I think the handball was deliberate, if a split second reflex action can be considered deliberate.

Gallas had his arms up, the ball came at him and he thrust his body to block it. However, he elevated and extended his arm further to block the ball.

It was a deliberate handball and a penalty should have been given. However, thats football.

Thats exactly right that, i was saying the same thing to the lads, Gallas pushes his chest out to try and block, so he seen it and could of moved his arm.
Definate penalty.
But we may get a BIG decision in our favour Sunday now, i think we will get a penalty....and that it will be dubious.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 5:35 pm
by MSj.
Has anyone else noticed the reason Gallas had his arm up was because he had hold of Cisse`s bloody arm ,thats a penalty on its own !!

PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 5:44 pm
by Sabre
It's strange that they all seemed to be slagging each other throughout the season, when we won the CL they all got together to say how lucky we were.

I disagree -- it's not strange. Real Mandril (1)said the same thing, and the feature they have in common has a name here : Envy.

And about the thread. The "Top three" thingy is a Uk thingy that does not apply to at least Spain, and probably neither does to Europe. Liverpool has more reputation than Manure, and  Manure has more reputation than Arsenal, and Arsenal has more reputation than Chelski. The hierarchy is like that.

We reckon that in the nineties Liverpool was not as huge as we're used to, but reputations don't change in a decade. If you ask for Spanish reputation everyvody will tell you that Real Sociedad is more historic than Deportivo, although this one is stronger at the moment. They're the new rich in the neighbourhood but reputation or credit is a different thing.


(1) You know, if Chelski is chelski and Manure is manure, Real Mandril is Real Mandril (A kind of monkey)

PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 6:44 pm
by 66-1120597113
Personally i dont give a :censored: what the papers say!
Nor the biased commontators or idiotic so called pundits!
I actually think it's quite funny how in awe and how much they build Chelsea up all the time and  talk about them as if they are special!!
There was nothing special about them last night,we were the better team,the match stats speak for themselves!
Jose can talk all the shi.te he wants about us playing basketball etc,this in my opinion makes him look all the more foolish.He is a football man and he knows we were the better side and he didnt like it so out comes the insults! Pathetic and childish are 2 words that spring to mind!!
As for recognition,well all the recognition that we could ever want and need is sitting in Anfield in the form of our 5th european cup and its there for keeps!
So the pundits and the press let them say what they want!
Not 1 of these so called experts are fit to wipe any Liverool players

PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 7:01 pm
by zarababe
.. nevertheless :D most of the sporting 'pundits' and the press have credited Liverpools performance and how we deserved to win, that out Boss won the tactical battle.. and you know what ... Mourinhio looks like he feels threatened by Benitez.. master tactician and truly the awesome one. You can tell that he is well worried about us from the way he responds and trys to belittle our achievments and of course he can't say that he is "European Champion"  cos Benitez is now :laugh: and he knows that with this master tactician at the the helm.. well ain't gonna be too long before th reds win the league too   :p

PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 7:21 pm
by JBG
The media have been giving us a hard time since the Souness days.

Roy Evans' side was initially the darling of the media given that it played good football. This changed after the Armani suit incident when the whole Spice Boy tag emerged.

Gerard Houllier's Liverpool got a lot of criticism from the media even when Gerard was winning trophies and we were getting good results.

Since Benitez took over we rarely get positive reviews, sometimes this is fair enough, often though, its not. However, I think Liverpool fans shouldn't care what :censored: like Mark Lawernson and the London press think of us, indeed, media criticism should be worn as a badge of honour.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 7:30 pm
by mighty mo
drummerphil wrote:I,ve always thought there is a London biased.....most journos in the nationals are londoners,hq of all the main tabloids  London,bbc ,itv and sky tv stations London...........there is always some northern discrimination

totally agree,the daily mirror has a chelsea fan who is the "chief football correspondant"   called martin lipton and he was praising chelsea for a professional performance.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 7:40 pm
by drummerphil
I read Paul Hayward in the Daily Mail.........great read i thought and spot on.I also read the mirror one too which i,m sure that :censored: watched a different game than i did.