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PostPosted: Sat Oct 25, 2003 10:30 pm
by Foolsy's lad
The UEFA game was the first I've been able to get back home for this season and I picked up me Nan and took her for her 70th birthday. I to was gutted that the fans sang for GH at the end. It shows just how low our standards have got. To think that that was a comprehensive win and something to be proud of is a disgrace. I agree with you other lads and feel that the fans need to voice their opinions a bit more. To be honest we could do with showing a little bit more passion ourselves. I don't find goin to anfield an enjoyment anymore because of the boring predictability about our play and the fact that the crowd only sing when were winning(apart from a few in the Kop). At least away from home theres a bit more passion on the terraces if not the pitch.
In a way we only have ourselves to blame because we put up with the cr#p.  We fool ourselves and believe everything GH say's. Whats all that about comparing Cheyrou to Zidane? ZZ wouldn't even let Bruno wipe his a#se, never mind clean his boots!
Houllier is on borrowed time and I wish he would just swallow his pride and do one. I think that he has lost the majority of us fans.
All that rubbish about coming back from his surgery early and paying for it and it being for the good of the club. That was just a cynical attempt to pull on the heart strings of the fans. The real reason he came back early was so that he didn't miss all the plaudits when we won all our trophies cos as I remembr PT was doin OK on his Jack.
Please Gerard just leave and let me remember you as a good guy who tried his best for LFC but couldn't quite do it, instead of an egotistical control freak who cant see past the end of his own nose and when he does take notice of things he claims them as his own ideas(re, tactical changes this season).

PostPosted: Sun Oct 26, 2003 6:06 pm
by Redlester
Couldn't agree more with the words of JBG etc - thing is we need to get rid of GH before the transfer window before he gets the chance to waste yet more resources in a fruitless "re-building" programme and so that we have someone decent in place who can use that money wisely. The fans should voice their discontent - they are the ones whose season ticket money is paying the salaries of the manager the board and the players and have every right to stand up and make their voice heard. We have put up with the prospect of "Future glory" for too long now and in the absence of any concrete signs of its delivery then the time has come to protest before the club is ruined. What GH is doing is "spin" he is telling us that 4th place [if we are lucky!!!] is good enough and that we should be prepared to accept it, he is trying to manage expectations so that he keeps his job by making it look that he has met his targets - easy to do if you set your sights low in the first place

PostPosted: Sun Oct 26, 2003 6:11 pm
by Redlester
The more I think about it it isn't an act of disloyalty to chant against GH - if anything it comes from loyalty - loyalty to a club that we have ardently supported for a long time and don't want to see dragged through the mud - we have now reached the dizzy heights of 9th in the table now [at least that was the state of play before the Arsenal Charlton game] imagine that? 9th!!! Anyone who thinks that to voice discontent is being disloyal or not being supportive of the club should say over to themselves a couple of times " Liverpool have moved from 11th to 9th in the table" - its quite frightening if you think about it too much

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 12:56 am
by azriahmad
The longer Liverpool keeps Houllier as the manager, the more Liverpool will fall behind...before long, we will be cheering every time Liverpool gets to the top half of the table!
Houllier has had much more money than any manager in the past, and he has had 5 years on the job without any real pressure of being sacked. The team has regressed in playing style, tactics and ideas. It is time to move on, or we will be seeing Liverpool fighting for scraps...