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PostPosted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 12:15 am
by adayinthelife
Stu you must be houllier in disguise or escaped from a mental home.You do not remember last season? ????We started the season playing attacking football and after 12 games had 30pts and unbeaten.Houllier must have forgotten to take his tablets cuz we all came crashing back down to earth when he decided that was enough attacking for 1 season.After such a great start the dummy houllier could not even finish top 4 and should have been sacked on the spot.We had the best start to a season in over a decade and finish 5th,what does that tell you? ????It tells me if he couldnt win the league from that early position he never will and has had more than enough cash and chances and all he deserves now is nothing but abuse for not resigning.He has reverted back to the boring defensive painful to watch football ever since then and has lost the fans and the players if they have any sense.How people can slag off Owen or Kewell is beyond me.How would you feel with their talent and skill playing for a muppet who focuses on defence so much? ????Owen is lucky to get 1 or 2 half chances a game and is forced back to the half way line just so he can remeber what a football feels like.It has gone beyond a joke and you must be blind if you dont think this once mighty club is in serious decline? ?????Way I see it moores parry and houllier must be f##ked out ASAP.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 12:50 am
by DrLiverpool
Stu listen mate I was just like you not too long ago you know protecting houllier when others bad-mouthed him (I did the same for Heskey) but somewhere alomng the line I lost patience.

None of us can really say that another season under houllier would be hell but none of can really be sure as we cannot tell the future we are basing out arguments over this season or the season before which were poor and you have to admit that dont you stu ?

Now you can argue that its up to the players to make the effort and get a result which is essentially true but the players do what the manager tells them to ,right ?

I wont go into the tactics and average players for way above average prices.

A good manager gets the very best out of his players and they want to win for him. Martin O'Neill is this type of manager he gets the best out of his players , he makes excellent signings , and his players respect him. If Martin O'Neill had been manager and henchoz was gutted at being on the bench while biscan is playing he wouldnt have gone to the papers, but also if martin oneill was manager biscanb would no way be playing over henchoz.

Martin O'Neill is an excellent manager who would re-establish Liverpool as Englands best club and one of the best in the world...thats how good he is.... I pray to good he comes to anfield.

Now I'm not saying houllier is a s##t manager,far from that. I have great respect for the man and will always remember him for the treble season (what a great season it was) . But sadly it is time for him to leave as I feel he has done all he could as manager of Liverpool.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2004 11:28 pm
by DrLiverpool
I think Stu will be very happy when he hears the rumours the Houllier is staying. :(  :(  :(