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PostPosted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 11:16 pm
by DrLiverpool
I think kewell is class and will get better and better and starting working hard (next season he'll surprise all of those who had doubts as will heskey).

Dont forget he has been injured and playing through the pain barrier something we should all respect him for.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 1:25 am
by Dalglish
Saying Kewell is lazy and doesn't track back is a  no brainer in my opinion. :laugh:  If the lads so useless why are Leeds fans so p#ssed off he has left them ? He's class and although he has had a poor run of late he was injured and also playing in a  team low on confidence, there are many more players to worry about than HK i can tell you !!!

PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 4:53 am
by Red
anyone who disses Harry ought to be lined up against a wall and shot. He is arguably the second best player for this season, (see official website poll). He is also carrying an injury, which, I think he should take 3 months off and get fixed. Doesnt track back? wtf I see him making tackles and working hard in every game I get a chance to watch.

Dont diss king kewell, he's a far better player then you deserve. Bunch of whiney, small minded poms.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 11:28 am
by 119-1081790788
i think he is p#ssed off because of all the money he took off leeds

PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 1:33 pm
by lloydie
[/QUOTEAre you kidding me on Owen, where are you from?


i have to agree with red rebel, owens not interested.... and hasn't been all season.  sure- the lads quality, but you can't help but wonder when he's gonna have a good goalscoring run with no injuries (remember them days?)
to be honest, if anyone came in with a decent offer for him in the close season, i'd bite there hands off, cos he's only gonna f##k off next year anyway !!!

maybe then we can concentrate on creating a side that isn't governed by the fitness of 1 player.....
but then again, with the frog eyed frenchman in charge, we'll probably end up spending the money on adi akenbye !!!

PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 7:55 pm
by bakes40
Didn t i start this Kewell is cr#p campaign? glad to see i am not alone in this.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 8:23 pm
by CeeBee
Kewell  say,s  he,s  alway,s  been  a  LFC  fan.  he,s  just  realised  it,s  a  bad  season  to  join, and  some  of  he,s  performances  reflect  this.  the  whole  team  except  steve  g.  look  like  they  hate  playing  at  present,  that,s  management  and  coaching  failure.....

PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 12:43 pm
by 119-1081790788
no its because there only intereste din money,players only come to liverpool now for money not because we are a big club anymore we are a laughing stock

PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 2:17 pm
by Leonmc0708
WACCOE "no its because there only intereste din money,players only come to liverpool now for money not because we are a big club anymore we are a laughing stock"

Are you kiding me, London clubs pay far higher wages than we could even dream of, our highest earner is Owen on around £60K and Crespo is on £120K and even Defoe at Spurs earns more on £75K.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 3:06 pm
by JBG
I frankly have no idea where you are getting those wage figures for Defoe and Crespo.

There's no way in hot hell Defoe gets that at Spurs, whatever about Crespo.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 8:37 pm
by Chris-Oulton
Dalglish wrote:If the lads so useless why are Leeds fans so p#ssed off he has left them ?

Because his wife used to give us all a blow job on match days.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 9:12 pm
by Chris-Oulton
Leonmc0708 wrote:and even Defoe at Spurs earns more on £75K.

Defoe doesn't get that amount per week - he gets more.

Just for you Nicky - and that'll confuse em.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 9:16 pm
by BiscanisGOD
Kewell will be off to a club in Europe (the continent not the competitions) within 3 seasons.  I guarantee it.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 9:40 pm
by Leonmc0708
Source of the wages was The Times rich footballers list, from the end of January.

Owen Keane and Fowler were the only ones from northern clubs in the top twenty.

Should have said before, sorry JBG.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 9:54 pm
by KenDeMange
Blimey, And I thought I was the only one who didnt rate the lad, I fear the day when he stuffs us like he did Leeds and we will be more of a laughing stock than we are at the Mo, he should f##k off back to emmerdale! ???