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PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 1:38 pm
by Reg
Hear the small club roar !! :laugh:

Everton back Uefa financial plan 

Uefa are trying to earn support to implement the revenue changes
Everton chief executive Keith Wyness has backed Uefa's plans to redistribute prize money among clubs in European competition more evenly.

Everton received £400,000 from reaching the last 16 of the Uefa Cup last season, while Champions League winners Manchester United netted £33.9m.

"If the current situation continues, clubs will not be able to compete," Wyness told the club's website.

"The gaps in domestic leagues across Europe will become larger and larger."

European football's governing body is trying to persuade English clubs to accept a smaller chunk of the Champions League pot after it was revealed British clubs made up 26% of the £462m total Champions League television and sponsorship revenues last season.

Champions League runners-up Chelsea earned £28.7m, while semi-finalists Liverpool scooped £21.1m after beating Arsenal, who made £18.3m, in the last eight.

In comparison, Tottenham and Bolton each earned £352,000 and Aberdeen £265,000 from their Uefa Cup forays. The figures did not include gate receipts or matchday revenue. Wyness said a change was necessary to ensure the Premier League remained competitive.

"At Everton our aim is to bridge the gap in the Premier League," Wyness added on the club's website.

We are well aware there are some imbalances in the revenue distribution which have a negative effect in national leagues

"We certainly believe we are moving in the right direction following the progress the team has made over the last few season and are now calling on the football authorities in Europe to aid us in our bid."

Uefa will try to earn the support of the European Strategy Council, the consultative body representing clubs, leagues, players and associations, to implement changes to the revenue structure, which is currently fixed until 2010.

Earlier this month, Uefa spokesman William Gaillard said: "We are well aware there are some imbalances in the revenue distribution which have a negative effect in national leagues by widening the gap between the rich and not so rich.

"We will talk to the clubs and see how they feel, and try to convince them that in the longer run it is not in their interest if, because of the way money is distributed, national leagues become too imbalanced."

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 1:51 pm
It'll never happen, end of.

The majority of UEFA may be thick as pig shite but someone sooner or later will realise that 99% of the top teams in Europe will be barred from the Champions League under this plan and then UEFA will have fook all product to sell to their 'Family Members' (sponsors).
Can anyone in their right mind see FORD, SONY, VODAFONE or HEINEKEN forking out £40-50 odd million each year on sponsorship for a Chumpions League featuring Valarenga, FC Twente, Recreativo Huelva and Everscum over what they've got now??

Get yer head sorted Michelle :p .

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 2:11 pm
by Roger Red Hat
yeah and dont forget he is french :laugh:

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 2:13 pm
by Dundalk
:D @ Lee J

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 2:24 pm
by Number 9
:laugh: :laugh:
Trust Everton to think its a great idea!
Their desperation to get involved with the big boys is hilarious.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 2:26 pm
by dawson99
tesco, proud sponsor of the champions league... just doesnt work somehow :D

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 2:30 pm
by sworth26
What a fcuking :censored:. I was keen for him to take post (despite his ideas surrounding each country having only 3 chaps league clubs) what a tool

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 2:30 pm
by Reg
RUSHIE#9 wrote:Can anyone in their right mind see FORD, SONY, VODAFONE or HEINEKEN forking out £40-50 odd million each year on sponsorship for a Chumpions League featuring Valarenga, FC Twente, Recreativo Huelva and Everscum over what they've got now??

Now Steve Maclaren´s taken over as manager of FC Twente they´ve got no chance of qualifying for the CL even if they were the only club in the running.   :D

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 3:08 pm
by woof woof !
RUSHIE#9 wrote:It'll never happen, end of.

The majority of UEFA may be thick as pig shite but someone sooner or later will realise that 99% of the top teams in Europe will be barred from the Champions League under this plan and then UEFA will have fook all product to sell to their 'Family Members' (sponsors).
Can anyone in their right mind see FORD, SONY, VODAFONE or HEINEKEN forking out £40-50 odd million each year on sponsorship for a Chumpions League featuring Valarenga, FC Twente, Recreativo Huelva and Everscum over what they've got now??

Get yer head sorted Michelle :p .


Surely it's about time the big clubs told UEFA to go f'uck themselves and stop employing monkeys. The plans and strategies this imbecile  keeps coming up with beggar belief.


PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 3:10 pm
by hello_red
Well this is what happens when you put fools in position of power.

Lets face it, footballers are not famous for there cunning wit or their IQ ratings are they. So you put one in a position of pwer you get :censored: like this all the time.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 3:47 pm
by Reg
Joking aside lets see it from the Dutch or Belgian angle who have in their time had european success with Ajax and Bruge for example.  These leagues have small clubs (....), small stadiums, small attandences, small local popoulation so limited sponsership and advertising revenue and income.

In the UK we have global coverage, sponsership and advertising and global income from our overseas supporters (including satellite tv income etc..). On top of that we have good income from the league, FA cup and european success, all at the higher rate than anything Ajax can dream of. So Platini is stating the obvious there is a mis-distribution of income but life has always been survival of the fittest and the global tv public doesnt want to watch two small Belgian sides thrashing it out on a saturday afternoon in the rain on a cowfield.

However...... UEFA must be under enormous pressure from these clubs and Everton to address income distribution to allow them the chance to try catch up before, in 5 years time the gap will have doubled again.  I reckon the gap is probably doubling every 5 years between the top 1-2 and say the 7th placed club, never mind outside of the UK leagues. The consequence of this will either be a european super league or a Scottish system whereby the top 4 in each league will be be excellent and the rest sh!te.

Platini has a point but no one is going to make it easy for him.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 4:56 pm
Reg wrote:Joking aside lets see it from the Dutch or Belgian angle who have in their time had european success with Ajax and Bruge for example.  These leagues have small clubs (....), small stadiums, small attandences, small local popoulation so limited sponsership and advertising revenue and income.

In the UK we have global coverage, sponsership and advertising and global income from our overseas supporters (including satellite tv income etc..). On top of that we have good income from the league, FA cup and european success, all at the higher rate than anything Ajax can dream of. So Platini is stating the obvious there is a mis-distribution of income but life has always been survival of the fittest and the global tv public doesnt want to watch two small Belgian sides thrashing it out on a saturday afternoon in the rain on a cowfield.

However...... UEFA must be under enormous pressure from these clubs and Everton to address income distribution to allow them the chance to try catch up before, in 5 years time the gap will have doubled again.  I reckon the gap is probably doubling every 5 years between the top 1-2 and say the 7th placed club, never mind outside of the UK leagues. The consequence of this will either be a european super league or a Scottish system whereby the top 4 in each league will be be excellent and the rest sh!te.

Platini has a point but no one is going to make it easy for him.

I think that's a different issue from this one REG.
The talk of asking the top clubs to take smaller chunks of the TV/sponsorship dosh is a perfectly fair and valid discussion and I do agree with that.
However this whole situation of kicking clubs out of the top European comp. is foolish on the part of Michelle Pratini (such a good description of him  :D ). As I said earlier the sponsors would be fighting over each other on the way out the door if they were faced with a scenario of no Liverpool, Barcelona, Real Madrid, Manc Scum, Chavski and the like in the tournament.


PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 5:51 pm
by Emerald Red
The rantings of a mad man. Pay no attention.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 6:05 pm
by woof woof !
Emerald Red wrote:The rantings of a mad man. Pay no attention.

Are we talking about Pratini or Reg ?


PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 7:10 pm
by Reg
woof woof ! wrote:
Emerald Red wrote:The rantings of a mad man. Pay no attention.

Are we talking about Pratini or Reg ?


I don't have a solution, but I do admire the problem.    :love: