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PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2003 1:31 pm
by Alex from Manchester
supersub wrote:alex 'Learn to count young man' as Cloughie would say.

13,15?? whos counting??  :D  :D

PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2003 1:38 pm
by Brian Lord
gaz31 wrote:Nice one TOCYCOL  :D  :D  :D.

tried it but she was a bit dry

PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2003 11:36 pm
by gaz31

PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 5:11 am
by jaypap
alex u twirp, u must be 11 years old...!!!!!
the league been here for over a 100 years u moron!!!!

PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 8:14 am
by Alex from Manchester
jaypap wrote:alex u twirp, u must be 11 years old...!!!!!
the league been here for over a 100 years u moron!!!!

what are you talking about retard?
can you read proper yet?

and what is a twirp you illiterate *****?

PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 5:58 pm
by jaypap
i thought an illiterate twirp like u might need an education as well as an explanation....
so here's the explanation u rotter;
all uve got to crow about is the last 10 years and the leagues been here for 100 years...thats why u must be 11 years old other than ur inability to comprehend plain english, because u cannot remember anything else about what makes u special...oh and if u wanna bring up '66, well villa can talk about '82 or whenever it was...thats the sort of company u were in till 10 years ago u pathetic maggot.......not that u can even begin comparing urselves to us now, ur so far behind its a joke!!!!! dont even waste my time...

and here's the education u simpleton;
a twirp is a ***** in his pants urine smelling, undergrown 4 foot 8 stuttering fool who has been left behind trying to complete his 2nd year of education while he's in his 19th  year of life......!!!!!!!
now take a good long hard look in the mirror and stop chewing on your mouldly 12 day old charity handout sandwich and tell me ur not a "twirp"...GAME OVER!!!
liverpool is the best.......

PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 6:28 pm
by Alex from Manchester
hahahahahaha what a funny little turd you are ,
and bright as  a button hey? ting
your just a loser like your  gobsh##e team ,
and jealous of our success , we p#ss all over you while
you carry on whining about what you did in the 'good old days', well thats all over my boy , a new era of exciting , attacking football has arrived and you cant play it !
why do you think only man utd and ***** have won  the premiership?
and what do you mean ...Liverpool is the best??
i think you mean .. Liverpool are the best ,,
but then that wouldnt be quite true would it , unless you mean Liverpool are the best at getting a man sent off in the first minute in front of 68,000 laughing fans at the theatre of dreams!

oh by the way , did you watch your "striker" playing for england last night?!   :D  :D

see ya loser

PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2003 12:14 am
by gaz31
CHILL OUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2003 2:42 am
by jaypap
well alex
i appreciate ur acknowledgement regarding how bright and funny i am, and yes mate i am jealous of ur last 10 years, which is all u seem to remember thus me assuming u must be 11 years old...but i'm no more jealous of ur last 10 years than u are of our entire history...we may have been ur bridesmaids over the last 10 years but but uve been carrying that bouquet for us for 100 years...and its smug little mancs like u that think cause theyve had a good run for a few years that u can compare urselves to a truely great club like us...10 years ago, u wouldnt have dared get on a site like this if it had been around!!!!

and it might be a new era mate, but i dont think we have a problem playing the style of football uve been talking about given we've creamed u 8 out of the last 10 times we've played u....i'm not worried about how the lads have handled u lot over the past few years, its u lot that have s##t ur pants every time uve come up against us......

and by the way, no i didnt see emile the other night...i was down at the cemetary trying to dig up the last english lad u had that was good enough to be an english striker...

oh and please feel free to use the word twirp amongst ur own in manc town, im sure u'll find plenty of uses for it!!

peace man!!!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2003 1:53 pm
by Alex from Manchester
how do you work out that your a truly great club ,,,,oh the last 100 years etc etc ....yawn
how many times do you think weve one the league in the last 100 years then no-neck?
try doing some homework and youll probably notice that the way things are going  in another 10 years we'll have won more of everything than you!
then what argument will you have?
make the most of it now while you can,
oh you beat us 8 times from 10 hey ?
how many trophys did that win you?
answer: 1 worthless cup

and you show your knowledge of football by saying heskey is good enough to be an english striker haha
do you really believe that? cus heskey doesnt. :D

twirp  :D

PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2003 3:22 pm
by jaypap
well genius
uve opened up a can of worms now
lets see
prior to the league becoming the premier league, which is a period ur neanderthal brain cannot landscape, i would not only suggest that we were so far ahead of u but that there were at least another 2 or 3 clubs ahead of u when it came to league titles...and as 4 what truely makes a club great, european champions league titles, prior to 10 years ago, notts forrest could stand up 2 u lot and have more 2 say...need i say more puke breath?
and even now with ur 10 years that u only seem to remember, we still have more of both!
given that we have both more league titles and twice as many champion league trophies, u dont have a twirpie leg 2 stand dont talk 2 me about facts kinderkid, ur out of ur depth!
and its not my opinion on whether or not emile is a worthy english striker that gets him his caps mate, its erricksons..
the question is, where are all ur english strikers?
so in summary genius
i gave u ur vocab lesson yesterday
now heres ur history lesson today;
5 great clubs have won about 60% of the available champions league trophies that have been on offer sinse the inception...real, acmilan, LIVERPOOL, bayern and manc in that company u twit...the rest have been shared amongst the minnows of this world, such as teams like steau, cvena, manc, hamburg and porto....
now compare the company were in with the company ur in and i think its fair enough to say the u should just shut up!
end of lesson
now crawl back into ur rat infested hollow log and stop trying to mix it with the decent people in society!!!!!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2003 8:30 pm
by tockycol
oh how the truth hurts alex

(well said jay mate)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2003 9:10 pm
by .
Guest wrote:Liverpool not winning the League for 15 years!
:D Hilarious :D

or the manc sh##e not winning it in 27 years  :p

PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2003 1:28 pm
by Alex from Manchester
you lot make me laugh , always harping on about the good old days , memories ,memories ,
perhaps you should bring back roger hunt , swap him for heskey , that would work ,

so far ahead hey ?
weve won 14 titles ,(8 in the last 11 wheres youve won 0 ) how many are you "so far ahead" then??
yeah you won 4 european cups weve won two,
then again it was a lot easier in those days , the quality was cr#p. yeah we were cr#p in the eighties like you are now,

like i said seeings how far ahead of you we are now , in the next 10 years we will have swamped your total of trophies by far,
oh by the way how many trebles have you completed?!
you were so close too in '77 !!  :D

anyway enjoy your summer ,  try not rotting your guts with envy as we spend it as champions

just take your mind back and think of the days you won things , that might help
see ya sucker

PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2003 1:50 pm
by .
oh by the way how many trebles have you completed?!

The answer is "2" How many have you completed ???