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PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 12:18 am
by cheesecakery
Hey ant gornall , i knew you couldnt resist replying to me  :D

i had a fiver with my mate you would , cheers
and merry xmas :D

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 12:22 am
by 116-1065305004
wots a hotsaet hey ant gornall? :D

Come on tell us :D

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 12:28 am
by cheesecakery
perhaps he meant hotshit ,
he wants sam to go for a vindaloo and have a hotshit as punishment for knocking us out the Cranberry Cup


PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 12:35 am
Merry Christmas to you too, i needed to get that off my chest.

Rio in Bolton tomorrow, cant wait to see his glum face when he's finally banned.


PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 12:38 am
by 116-1065305004
nah seriously because he plays for the manc scum he will get off with just a dinky fine.
If it was a Liverpool player he would get the rule book thrown at him

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 12:40 am
by supersub
Cheesey whilst your on,who would you like to see as manager of Liverpool if Houllier goes?

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 11:35 am
by cheesecakery
Bobby Gould

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 12:47 pm
by 116-1065305004
I think Brian Kidd would do quite well.

Well by Houlliers standards :D

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 3:31 pm
by Coley
I think it would be difficult to find someone in this country with championship winning experience who would want to take over the club.  Let's look at the options if we are going to restrict it to that:

Arsene Wenger, Alex Ferguson, Kenny Dalglish. 

If i'm not mistaken, they are the only managers to have won the premiership (unless George Graham did it with Arsenal before he left?  Can't remember).

Either way, i don't think any of those managers would be willing to come to Liverpool.  Do we want a manager with experience of winning championships aboad.  If that is the criteria for our next manager then the list will lengthen, but i think we should be looking to appoint a British Manager who knows this countries players inside out, even with knowledge of the lower leagues.  We always used to unearth gems from the lower leagues and make them stars, but not anymore.

For that reason, i don't think you could rule out someone like Big Sam, Strachan, Curbishley or MON.  I'd much rather have one of them than someone from abroad who doesn't understand our game.  In fact, Big Sam who bring 100% more passion to the job than GH. :D

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 7:46 pm
by oldredeyes
Big Sam loves his football and the man deserves a medal for what he keeps doing at Bolton, but I think the Liverpool job may be a bridge too far. Nevertheless I understand what Supersub and Coley are saying and you have to give credit to Sam - he is a great motivator, good man-manager, very passionate and British. All the things missing at Liverpool.
I think the favourite must still be MON.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 8:22 pm
by azriahmad
Martin O'Neill has the edge over Big Sam in my opinion as he has the experience of managing a bigger club like Celtic and also more experienced in Europe. Like Big Sam, he is a good motivator and would be a much better all-round manager than Houllier. In fact, right now, there are plenty of better managers than Houllier...

PostPosted: Fri Dec 19, 2003 11:33 am
by Coley
I agree with oldredeyes and azriahmad that MON would be the preferred choice, but we couldn't rule out Big Sam, if we couldn't get MON.  We definitley need a British manager this time.

So, when do you all think Houllier will go?  Presuming he does.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 19, 2003 3:47 pm
by greenred
If he loses to wolves he could be gone by monday.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 19, 2003 4:55 pm
Hopefully we''l lose to Wolves then we can get rid and go for MON and if not Big Sam the second choice.

We cant go foreign again, they haven't a clue

PostPosted: Fri Dec 19, 2003 5:49 pm
by JBG
Martin O' Neill or bust for me.

We need a British/Irish guy, not a continental manager.

Big Sam is a good manager, but he's not Liverpool material.

It would be a bit like Mike Bassett.......