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Morientes says no to rafa - Prefers monaco

PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 7:16 pm
by Redrider
From Sky Sports News :

Morientes: Monaco my first choice
by Mark Kendall -  Last Updated 19 Oct 2004

Fernando Morientes has declared that if he leaves Real Madrid then Monaco would be his favourite destination.

Despite reports linking him with a move to Liverpool in the winter transfer window, the Spanish international striker would choose Monte Carlo over Merseyside.

"If the possibility of me leaving Real Madrid came up then returning to Monaco would always be first choice," he confirmed.

"Everyone knows that I love Real Madrid and that I want to stay at this club for a long time.

"But if I had to leave then I would try to go back to Monaco.

"I felt that with Didier Deschamps good things would happen, that there was a little magic.

"I know that the door is always open for me at Monaco and maybe one day I will go back."

After spending a very successful year at Monaco on loan last season, Morientes returned to Madrid after he was promised first team football by coach Jose Antonio Camacho.

But the 28-year-old has found himself as fourth-choice striker after Camacho's resignation and the arrival of Michael Owen.

"I stayed here in the summer because Camacho had faith in me," he continued. "He is a coach that I know from the Spanish national team.

"I spoke to him and I knew that there were three forwards fighting for two places, but I believed I would play 80 or 90 minutes.

"But with the arrival of another striker everything became more difficult.

"I will decide about leaving Madrid when the time comes. But I chose to stay here and things would have to go very badly for anything to change that decision."

Looks like a stunner for Rafa - Cisse best hit that Hat-trick tonight, he's our main man !!
:suspect:  :suspect:

PostPosted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 9:59 am
by Red Macgregor
Looks like bad news after last nights display by Cisse. I don't know too much about Morientes, but Cisse can not impose himself on a defence or defenders.
Baros worked hard, but Cisse was a major dispointment. We desparately need a new striker. I see Micheal Owen scored last night for the first time, this might cement his place and release Morientes, pity it is not for Liverpool.
The season is not going well, Benitez may fail and become disheartened and we might need a new manager aswell as a striker.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 10:10 am
by Leonmc0708
Red Macgregor wrote:Looks like bad news after last nights display by Cisse. I don't know too much about Morientes, but Cisse can not impose himself on a defence or defenders.
Baros worked hard, but Cisse was a major dispointment. We desparately need a new striker. I see Micheal Owen scored last night for the first time, this might cement his place and release Morientes, pity it is not for Liverpool.
The season is not going well, Benitez may fail and become disheartened and we might need a new manager aswell as a striker.

Did you go the game or watch it on TV ?

I reckon it was the latter, as I was at Anfield, and Cisse made some really good runs, and worked hard on the right wing towards the end of the game.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 10:23 am
by Redtribe
I only saw the game on the box but Baros played well for me and looked like being alot less greedy towards the end of the match and starting to work more as a team player!
As for cisse he still doesnt look the full ticket but he looked very dangerous when he came deeper and wider and run at people!
I thought the team played well, but lacked that killer insticnt !

PostPosted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 11:01 am
by Red Macgregor
Leonmc0708 wrote:
Red Macgregor wrote:Looks like bad news after last nights display by Cisse. I don't know too much about Morientes, but Cisse can not impose himself on a defence or defenders.
Baros worked hard, but Cisse was a major dispointment. We desparately need a new striker. I see Micheal Owen scored last night for the first time, this might cement his place and release Morientes, pity it is not for Liverpool.
The season is not going well, Benitez may fail and become disheartened and we might need a new manager aswell as a striker.

Did you go the game or watch it on TV ?

I reckon it was the latter, as I was at Anfield, and Cisse made some really good runs, and worked hard on the right wing towards the end of the game.

No, I live in Glasgow and I wish I could have been at the game.
I watched on tv down at the Bar, great support for Liverpool from both Rangers and Celtic fans and all were  critical of Cisse as lightweight, no threat etc. The common view was that Baros looked ok. but Liverpool miss Owen.
Coming back to Cisse, maybe Rafa sees him as a winger, if as you say he did good work on the right wing.
I would say as a striker, what was he doing on the right wing ?
I think Rafa is finding it difficult to find the best positions for the players he has inherited, but he must be upset that £14m has been wasted on Cisse.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 11:12 am
by maximus
Leonmc0708 wrote:
Red Macgregor wrote:Looks like bad news after last nights display by Cisse. I don't know too much about Morientes, but Cisse can not impose himself on a defence or defenders.
Baros worked hard, but Cisse was a major dispointment. We desparately need a new striker. I see Micheal Owen scored last night for the first time, this might cement his place and release Morientes, pity it is not for Liverpool.
The season is not going well, Benitez may fail and become disheartened and we might need a new manager aswell as a striker.

Did you go the game or watch it on TV ?

I reckon it was the latter, as I was at Anfield, and Cisse made some really good runs, and worked hard on the right wing towards the end of the game.

Striker? on the wing?..................................AKA Heskey, Diouf ffs NOT AGAIN !!  :angry:

PostPosted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 11:36 am
by Leonmc0708
No, not in terms of where he was played, but where he moved into. We where never going to score playing the way we did in the first half as Depor had nine men behind the ball, so Cisse used his head and initiative and pulled a little deeper and wider and gave us a good outlet on the right, with some super running and surging runs with the ball.

Get off the lads back, stop the comparissons with Heskey and give him a chance. It will take time for him to settle in, I have seen enough to think he has got what it takes. He has improved no end in the last three to four games.

Also, I presume you boys are young, as I remeber a certain signing from Arsenal, Shanks'  last if memory serves me, and he was a striker. He did not fare too well, and Uncle Bob produced a masterstroke by dropping Ray Kennedy into left wing/midfield. The rest as they say is history.....

PostPosted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 11:57 am
by Paul C
I know this might upset some people but strikers should play in and around the box to score goals (what their there for) otherwise their not strikers, their wingers/midfielders :;):

PostPosted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 12:00 pm
by Leonmc0708
Paul C wrote:I know this might upset some people but strikers should play in and around the box to score goals (what their there for) otherwise their not strikers, their wingers/midfielders :;):

I agree, to a certain extent, however the most important thing is scoring goals for a striker.

If Cisse scores twenty five this term, he can play anywhere on the park he wants to.

I was not advocating playing Cisse in midfield, simply supporting the lad.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 12:34 pm
by 106-1093504160
i was at the game last night, bl.oody cold i was, but i was impressed with the commitment of the lads. no goals, but that happens sometimes.

i was up n down off me seat, more than a whores draws, so for me, i had a good night.
win, lose or draw, lfc for me

PostPosted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 1:24 pm
by Red Macgregor
I don't think Cisse will make it as a striker with LFC. I can't see him converting to a winger or mid-fielder like Ray Kennedy, I think he will be off in the summer to someone like Monaco for a cut-price 10m Euro.
Sorry lad's but as they say in Glasgow - ''Slange!!''

PostPosted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 1:27 pm
by Leonmc0708
Red Macgregor wrote:Sorry lad's but as they say in Glasgow - ''Slange!!''

Yes and as they say in General Chat, "FLANGE".

PostPosted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 1:56 pm
by parchpea
Morientes is simply testing the waters and trying to create interest in his services. Hes obviously looking to move on as soon as possible and we have will have an oppertunity to try and lure him to Anfield. I would imagine there will be many other clubs looking to take him on.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 5:48 pm
by ralmach
From :

El representante de Morientes se reúne hoy con el Liverpool

El futuro de Morientes está cada día más lejos del Real Madrid. Ayer, Ginés Carvajal, agente del jugador, se desplazó hasta Liverpool con el fin de reunirse hoy con representantes del equipo que dirige Benítez. Sobre la mesa, la posibilidad de que Morientes se pueda incorporar a la disciplina del Liverpool coincidiendo con la apertura del próximo mercado de invierno. El problema que se han encontrado es que la UEFA no permite más de una trasferencia en una misma temporada.

Según han pasado las jornadas, el descontento del delantero español ha ido creciendo. Además, los dirigentes de la entidad blanca no ven con malos ojos la opción de que Morientes deje el club. Ginés Carvajal ha viajado hasta Liverpool acompañado de un agente inglés, que fue el artífice de la llegada de McManaman al Real Madrid y que conoce a la perfección el mercado inglés.

Ayer, y antes de partir hacia Liverpool, Ginés Carvajal habló en Radio Marca sobre el futuro de Morientes. “No es feliz porque no juega. El asumía que no partía con esperanzas de ser titular, pero sí de poder jugar. Si yo fuera entrenador del Real Madrid le pondría, igual no de titular, pero sí en algún partido. Si no hubiera pertenecido al Real Madrid quizás hubieran intentado ficharle a toda costa como un galáctico, pero como ya lo tenían aquí no es galáctico. Es más fácil dar oportunidades a alguien que viene de fuera que alguien que está en casa. Él se quedó con todas las consecuencias en el Real Madrid”.

More or less means that the Morientes agent will meet today with Liverpool to speak about his transfer to LFC in winter.
Morientes is very angry with Real Madrid because he doesn't play and he want to leave the club. LFC would be a very good chance for him, but there is a problem with UEFA cause they don't allow two transfers in the same season.

I think Morientes would be an excelent sign for LFC, he a very very good striker, and probably would give to Liverpool the goals they need.
Moreover he's one of my favourite players and I hate Real Madrid, so i'd be very happy if he goes to LFC  :laugh:

PostPosted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 5:59 pm
by the great one
how long does he have one his contract at raul madrid ???