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Is it time for houllier to depart? - Who is running the team anyway?

PostPosted: Sat May 15, 2004 2:49 pm
by johnno1982
Is it time for houllier to go.

who is runnning the team anyway houllier or thompson after his attack at leeds he seems to be taking a bit more of a back seat to the liverpool number 2, even at melwood and on the pitch thompson is the one whos telling houllier what to do, and we all know how many players he likes to upset,

PostPosted: Sat May 15, 2004 3:22 pm
by shilton_red
I cant see how they can sack him having got 4th spot ?

PostPosted: Sat May 15, 2004 3:31 pm
by greenred
Well second isnt enough for Ranieri to hold on to his job.Chelsea have higher standards than Liverpool it seems.

PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2004 2:10 am
by Dalglish
Sacking managers isn't about standards !!!!! Cheksea have been universally slammed for the way they have treated Ranieri, is that how you want Liverpool FC to behave ? :( 

Having secret meetings with possible successors only to be found out by the papers ? Publicly not backing your manager in any way shape or form ? Holding discussions with future possible signings without informing the current manager ?

Its getting way too personal for some in here if we believe that Chelsea have ANYTHING to teach this great club how to behave !!!!

PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2004 2:25 am
by LFC #1
Abramovich is a clueless, sack Ranieri after he came 2nd to an Arsenal team that were unbeaten the whole season and also making a CL semi final.

Also, Ranieri has done all this with a tema that has been thrown together in a season and he has managed to gel the players very quickly.

Abramovich has no idea he just thibks if he buys evry player under the sun and win everything.

And on Houllier, he's gonna be hear next season and with some quality signings I am optimistic we can have a good season next season.

PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2004 2:35 am
by Dalglish
Well said LFC 1, at last someone who is backing houllier , watch out , it might be catching LOL:D

Accept it lads, Houliers Staying :p

PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2004 2:41 am
by 115-1073096938
Houllier staying is definately a good thing.

The board at this club are simply excellent. Its as simple as that.

If we change manager now we will turn into another Spurs or Everton. Tottenham had a good thing going a few years back under George Graham but decided to change there manager and look at them now. They've never recovered.

It takes a long time to build a side with the right foundations and experience to win a league title and sustain that success over a number of years.

Quick fixes aren't the way forward.

Kirkland, Vignal, Riise, Gerrard, Le Tallec, Kewell, Owen, Pongolle, Baros, Welsh... all young players under 25.

PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2004 2:54 am
by greenred
Second wasnt good enough for Shankly.Second wasnt good enough for Paisley.

They must be turning in their graves at fourth.





we support LIVERPOOL FC....some people should remember that,we are not everton or spurs.We are Liverpool!!!!

PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2004 2:55 am
by Dalglish
LOL < Greenred ? I love the passion mate but we need answers not just passion !!!!!! :D

PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2004 2:56 am
by Dalglish
Like i said in another Post, respect and remember the Past but don't live in it !!!!!!! :p

PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2004 3:10 am
by greenred
Im not living in the past Dalglish.I just happen to see this club from a different perspective to some younger fans(im only 38 by the way :D ) Houllier to me is the wrong man to bring the club forward and im convinced Shankly and Paisley would feel the same way.Im willing to give him next season(I have no choice)to prove himself but im astounded the club will give him millions when he may be gone within six months.Surely it would be better to give that money to a manager we know will be here for the next five years?

PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2004 3:17 am
by Dalglish
I'm 37 so I don't know whats happened to that "cynicism" you have developed at such a  young age !!!! LOL :D

Its the catch 22 situation , do you give GH another season and back him all the way with serious money or do you hold the finances back and will him to fail so you can be proved right and save a few quid for the nest guy ? I naturally believe the former is infinitly better and to be fair to houllier he hasn't spent badly last summer (Kewell and Finnon). Although I would conced that they haven;'t performed to their ful potential.

So its absolutly CRITICAL GH spends wisely which gives me serious concerns regarding Cisse. I suppsoe its because of some of GH's well publicised failures (Biscan, Diouf, Cheyrou, Diao __ (Fil in as appropriate ;) That most LFC fans have the jitters...........

For the record i hope we get Joe Cole , OPennant OR Malbrangue and a Top Quality Defender (Gallas ? ) Added to that i hope that Cisse doesn't take to olong to settle in and develops an understanding with Owen quickly or we are stuffed !!!!!!


PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2004 9:36 am
by Owzat
stu_the_red wrote:Quick fixes aren't the way forward.

Kirkland, Vignal, Riise, Gerrard, Le Tallec, Kewell, Owen, Pongolle, Baros, Welsh... all young players under 25.

Nice list stu but the problem is those that are World Class will seek to leave without success, those that are not good enough don't matter diddly how old or young they are.

Riise - not good enough
Kirkland - injury prone, keeper isn't really a major problem
Vignal - not even in favour at the moment
Gerrard - if we don't achieve high standards, he will eventually leave
Le Tallec - yet to see how good he may become
Kewell - how long will he stay before greater success beckons?
Owen -  - if we don't achieve high standards, he will eventually leave
Pongolle - yet to see how good he may become
Baros - may well be pushed out, certainly not getting the opportunities
Welsh - may well be discarded if your beloved muppet Houllier stays - oh the irony

Yes, we do need a good youth policy but it's no good buying young players when we need good players now. These players may or may not develop into quality buys, but there needs to be a much better balance. Dare I mention the mancs but the "fergie fledglings" myth is based on a backbone of Schmeichel, Pallister, Bruce, Irwin, Keane, Robson, Cantona and Hughes - hardly spring chickens at the time. Look at Arsenal - Lehmann, Campbell, Lauren, Vieira, Pires, Ljungberg, Henry and Bergkamp - how many of those names fall in the same category as your list?

Bottom line is our set-up is all wrong. We have too many youngsters who may or not be good enough in the future, but are definitely not what's needed now. The rest are of variable quality, not enough to make a good enough team. As for progress, Houllier has resorted to Carragher at centre-back having failed with Biscan there, I think that speaks volumes as to where he is taking the team

PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2004 10:06 am
by The_Rock
What is the deal with Baros & GH ? I mean, Heskey has played OK. Thats fine. But i read somewhere that GH said that yesterday was Heskey last game. If that was the case, then why wasn't Baros playing instead in this insignificant match (for liverpool anyway)? He did not even come in as a sub.

Owzat is right. Baros might move if he does not get any more chances.

And i would hate it as Baros has so much potential that with a run in the team, he would be unbelievable.

I know many ppl here are happy with 4th place and willing to give GH another season. I prefer to see the season as a whole and not just the last few matches. This season is a disappointment anyway you look at it.

Manure had a disappointing season and they will most likely win the FA Cup. Liverpool get 4th and GH is debating with Morgan that Liverpool had a good season.

My choice is to get rid of GH. Whats the use of giving him another season with 40 million when he is not going to stay after next season unless he wins the Premier League or the Champions League which does not look likely does it...?

PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2004 1:22 pm
by 115-1073096938
As for progress, Houllier has resorted to Carragher at centre-back having failed with Biscan there, I think that speaks volumes as to where he is taking the team


Carragher is at the moment the best option. Hyypia is class. Riise has the quality and Finnan has started to show what he's capable of again.

We know we need a centre half, Houllier knows we need a centre half. Its common knowledge thats what we need and thats the reason he's looking for one.

Apart from that one position the back 4 is as good as anything in the league.

The midfield is one player away from having the best quartet in the league however the mix isn't correct. The strike force is probably one away from having the best in the league aswell.

We are getting there.