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A cautionary tale - Young wizards

PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 5:12 pm
by redbeergoggles
Once  upon a time in a little place called Holland ,their existed a tiny Island called Ajax ,now Ajax was well renowned for producing the very best football players with unlimited magic in their feet ,and one particular young islander named Ryan was said to be particularly gifted in this department .

Word of his talent spread far and wide ,till it eventually reached these very shores and the perceptive Mr Wenger ,now Mr Wenger was a very astute man some would say almost proffessorial in his approach to nurturing young students ,well Mr Wenger made his interest in young Ryan well known ,but for some reason went cold on the idea of securing the youngsters signature .

It was then that Ryan decided to prove he was worthy of a place in a notable team ,and start producing performances that would send out messages to other managers  ,this approach proved profitable as the best and most successful team in England declared their interest .

Ryan was indeed blessed with magic feet and proved this with some promising displays , no more so than the goal against a little known side called Derby ,that would have had our own favourite and resident magician, proclaiming his arrival as a young Wizard to seriously be reckoned with .

In his spare time away from football, young and impressionable Ryan would often be seen in the company of DJs and Rappers and was said to harbour intentions of being as famous and accomplished a rapper as Roland Rat ,needless to say he was closer to emulating vermin than he envisaged .

Young Ryan would never really succeed in becoming a decent rapper ,but did any of the wolves that he kept company with inform him ,no they would just readily exploit the fact that young Ryan ,had only half a brain ,and he was totally devoid of any common sense .

Anyway we seem to be getting sidetracked from the point of our story (something that regularly escapes young Ryan )

It was Mr Benitez who gave Ryan the opportunity to be a great player in a equally great team ,only something was becoming apparent to all the fans of magic who had paid good money to witness his wizardry ,Young Ryan was not the Wizard people believed him to be ,the endorsements Liverpool had received from Ajax had apparently been fabrications ,it became clear young Ryan's attitude and application had been substantial chinks in his armour for some time now .

Young Ryan grew more and more reluctant to use his magic in front of his once adoring fans ,in point of fact young  Ryan deemed the fans unworthy of his conjuring tricks totally ,this vexed Mr Benitez and he grew reluctant to play young Ryan ,but instead of young Ryan buckling down and smiting his detractors with displays of illuminating and majestic wizardry ,young Ryan decided on letting all and sundry know of his displeasure ,particularly Liverpool's nemesis who had long been intent on besmirching Liverpool's illustrious name .

This is were our story comes to an end ,young Ryan had completely destroyed his career at Liverpool ,even the most ardent fans of his were now prepared to exile this young imposter from fortress Anfield forever....... ,and the moral of this cautionary tale is simple : when you have the chance to feed Anfield and its fans, with a diet of magic and magnificence that it has grown accustomed with, let your feet do the talking (AND F*CKING GET ON WITH IT )

PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 7:18 pm
by crazyhorse
Good read that. Different, informative and amusing


PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 7:30 pm
by redbeergoggles
Cheers , I'm glad you enjoyed it fella :)