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Have  yourself a merry wooden leg

PostPosted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 3:48 pm
by A.B. popped down to Melwood to talk to Harry Kewell about his injury woes and his hopes for 2007; we came away with the shocking and entirely unexpected revelation that the Aussie has a wooden leg...

Q: You've just come from the Liverpool Christmas dinner. I understand you were doing Secret Santa, what did you get?

A: I got a nice belt and a wooden leg with a Liverpool sock on it! There were some good things up there. Rafa got a book and a leather coat, I think.

Q: What are your spirits like right now?

A: They're fine. You've got to get on with it, take the good with the bad if you like. You've just got to work hard to get back on the pitch. You do get down but it's not a girls' game. I've had some great times in football but now I'm going through a rougher time. I'd played a few games and maybe my body was just telling me I needed a rest.

Q: How have you been keeping yourself busy?

A: You actually have less spare time when you're injured because you've got to do a lot of work to get fit. I spend the majority of my time at

Q: Talk me through your routine at the moment?

A: I'm working from 9am until 2pm, then I have a little break. After that I'll be working from 5pm until about 8pm. That's treatment to stabilise all the areas that need it, as well as exercises and cardio.

Q: And you've been back to Australia for some operations, is that right?

A: Yes, I went back to have four operations. Liverpool knew exactly what was happening all the way through during that time. They were only a phone call away. Rafa was calling me to see how things were going. I think, putting football aside for one minute, he's a genuinely nice guy. He cares for his players. I just can't wait to get back on the pitch and show him what I'm capable of doing.

Q: Have you been getting chance to watch all the games?

A: Yes, I've been watching all of them. I think we've been a bit
unfortunate on some of the away games because the majority of the time we've played teams off the park. Sometimes the ball just doesn't go in the net. These things come though, and I'm sure we're stepping forward now.

Q: Have you been impressed by the new signings?

A: Any new signing to a team is good - a new face around the place. It always takes a little bit of time for them to settle in but they've all settled in really well. The players have been great around them and they've all responded well.

Q: Mark Gonzalez has come in. As a fellow left-winger, what do you make of him?

A: He's a great player, the manager wouldn't have bought him if he wasn't. It's his first year in the Premiership and that's always difficult, but he is capable of scaring a lot of English defences. Fair play to him, I hope he plays as well as he is capable of doing.

Q: Have you seen much of the rest of the Premiership?

A: Yes. You can't get away from football because it's on nearly every channel.

Q: Any thoughts on who you're going to vote for in the Players' Player of the Year?

A: We get a vote but it's a month or two away so I don't know. I won't make my decision until well into March. A lot of players are playing well.

Q: When voting time comes, does the squad discuss it?

A: No, I think it's a personal thing. It'd take the fun out of it if we did because you could probably rig it.

Q: Have you had much time to watch the Ashes?

A: That's a silly question, isn't it?

Er, yes...

A: t comes on at ridiculous times, but while I was in Perth I had a lot more chance. I'll be staying up around the Christmas period to watch the fourth one. I've been watching the highlights and I've been enjoying it. It's not over though: we Australians want five nil!

Q: Any of the other lads into cricket?

A: They were last year! I think every single Englishman was into cricket last year but all of a sudden no one seems to like it. I can't even give them stick because a lot of them just turn around and say they can't be bothered with it any more! I have a bit of banter with those who are still into it. Robbie's a cricket fan, the physio Rob Price is a fan and I think the doc likes cricket too, but all the others who were so-called cricket fans are non-existent now.

Q: Shane Warne or Monty Panesar?

A: I think you know the answer to that. One's just started and the other's just about to break an all-time record. I don't think there's a person in the world who would swap Warne for anyone.

Q: Does having a bit of time away from the pitch make you reflect on what you're going to do after football?

A: No, not really. Not at all in fact. People say that, but it's a load of rubbish I think. You concentrate on one thing: getting yourself fit. That's all I think about.

Q: Any chance of you being back for the Barca game?

A: You know what, at this stage I'd just love to play against anyone. I'd go out there and play by myself at the moment because I miss football that much. I just want to play. I can't kick a ball right now.

Q: How did the players feel when Barca came out of the hat?

A: It's a fantastic game for the team but as far as any of the players are concerned it's just the next round of the Champions League. Everyone's excited but only about the fact we're in the next round of the Champions League. It doesn't matter who you're against or where you're playing. All the players are concentrating on the next game and when the Champions League comes round again, that's when we'll start thinking about it.

Q: I think Messi has come out and said Barca were pleased with the draw, that Liverpool would be fearful of playing the holders?

A:He's a young player, and he's allowed to say that because they are European Champions, but to me, it doesn't matter who we play.

Q: Moving on to life off the pitch, in every squad there are quiet people and louder ones. Where do you fit in?

A: I've seen this question asked and so I asked a few people what they thought. Some of them said one thing and others said the opposite, so I'll sit on the fence and say somewhere in the middle.

Q: Who would you say are the quieter members?

A: Sissoko is quite quiet. Sami as well. But as soon as you get these guys on the pitch they're completely different, you know.

Q: Which players' phone numbers do you have in your mobile?

A: The physio, the doc, the assistant physio and the masseuse! No, I've got a few of the boys: Robbie, Finn, Crouchy, John.

Q: Pick your LFC five-a-side team?

Finn, Sami, Momo, me and Robbie.

Q: Let's talk fancy dress. You went to the players' Christmas do as
Shane Warne. Who else impressed you?

A: That's a very individual thing and I think everyone made a great effort. I didn't even recognize Pepe when he walked in. He actually scared me.

Q: Wasn't he in drag or something?

A: I don't know what it was. A Goth, I think. Robbie was good, but he didn't get in the paper. He went as a nerd. I just walked straight past him at first because I had no idea who it was. It was a classic. Finn was good but it was just great to see everyone make such an effort. It was a good night.

Q: What are you doing for Christmas?

A: Just enjoying myself with my family. I get a little bit of time off.

Q: What's the best and worst presents you've ever received?

A: The worst is a wooden leg. The best is just seeing my family happy really. That's enough for me.

Q: Are you planning to make any New Year's resolutions?

A: No. I think people who make them are those who are guilty of
something. I just go out there and be myself.

Q: Looking back at 2006: obviously you got injured during the FA Cup final, how did you feel at the time?

A: For the team and the fans it was a great day, but for me, I came off again after popping a bone. I'm proud of being part of it though, and the boys were good about what happened to me.

Q: From there you scored the goal against Croatia which took Australia to the second round of the World Cup?

A: We had a game which we had to win. We played well and it didn't matter who scored. We let a silly goal in but were dominant all the way through. It was a great team performance. Every kid wants to play in the World Cup but as you get older it just becomes your job.

Q: How would you assess your Liverpool career so far?

A: It's just been pain because I've been injured for most of it.

Q: Do you believe you can still achieve things at Liverpool?

A: Yes, I do. I've just got to get fit and it'll be fine.

Q: Finally, what are your hopes for 2007?

A: I don't know yet. I'm just going to concentrate on getting fit and being with my family.

Get well soon ya sick note  :D

PostPosted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 4:11 pm
by Lando_Griffin

He's a genuine lad - typical Aussie - honest as they come! :D

PostPosted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 5:18 pm
by redmikey
good interview , hopefully he won't get a splinter which gets infect and is out for another year :p

PostPosted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 7:24 pm
by RedBlood
Kewells a top player we ahve missed him badly this year