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Harry kewell interview

PostPosted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 12:50 pm
by red37
i tracked this down off the net and thought id put it in a fresh topic, bearing in mind quite a few of us are mystified as to the ongoing saga concerning his physical condition...make of it what you will.
personally, if this isnt resolved by christmas he'll be on the way out.

here is the transcription:

Injured Kewell comes home to find cure

Sunday Sep 10 20:00 AEST

By Dale Paget
National Nine News

Even injured, Harry Kewell sets a cracking pace through the domestic terminal. He's on a mission to find a cure to the groin injury that has sidelined him since the World Cup.

Harry arrived in Melbourne this morning from England and then flew to his hometown, Sydney, to see more doctors.

We'd marched 100 metres before a fan with a keen eye caught up and thrust a pen and a crumpled Virgin Airline boarding pass at the Socceroo.

Harry slows down to sign the paper. He's wearing sweat pants, a t-shirt and a casual jacket.

"I expected we'd be mobbed by now,". I say, keeping pace.

"I think people look at me and they say 'Nah, can't be him'," he says, smiling.

We've set up to do an exclusive National Nine News interview in a corner of the baggage claim area. Harry walks up to the microphone, which is attached to the top of a stand.

"Are we doing karaoke?" he asks.

"If we were what would you sing?"

Harry thinks for a moment and replies, "Eagles"

"'Hotel California'?"

"Nope. 'Takin' It Easy'," he laughs.

Cameraman Greg Martini frames up the soccer legend. The red light on his camera turns on. "We're underway," Greg says …

Dale Paget: Do we know what's wrong? You've had a foot injury, but the groin is still the main problem, right?

Harry Kewell: The foot's sore, yeah, but it's more my groin. I've got a few appointments to try and sort out my injuries. I've just been down to Melbourne to see some specialists and I've got a few more to see in Sydney.

Dale Paget: Basically a lot of visits to doctors?

Harry Kewell: Yeah, a lot of doctors visits. Obviously I don't get a lot of free time working and that … Liverpool have sent me over here to get some more second opinions and that is what I intend to do.

Dale Paget: Has it ever flashed through your mind that maybe you can't get through this?

Harry Kewell: Yeah. It always feels like that but you can't look at that situation. You've always got to be positive. I'm not the only person to go through these situations. You've got to think about it. You've got to take time and have a strong family behind you as well, which I do. My club has supported me throughout the whole thing. I'd just like to get back to footy fitness.

Dale Paget: There are many wonderful surgeons in the UK — why come to Australia?

Harry Kewell: I've been everywhere in Europe. We've got to a point where we'd try Australia because Australia's got the best surgeons in the world.

Dale Paget: So you have no idea when you'll be able to play for Liverpool?

Harry Kewell: At this present time I don't know. I don't want to think about that because every time you set targets you can fail them and you just get more miserable. If you leave it open you can be positive. I'll just take my time and get back that way.

Dale Paget: Have we still got the best of Harry to come?

Harry Kewell: Yeah for sure. You haven't seen the best of me for a while because of what I've been going through. I'm looking forward to making a full recovery and taking it from there.

Dale Paget: Stories about you on ninemsn are very popular with readers. Do you ever get used to that kind of attention?

Harry Kewell: It's very nice. Hopefully it's because they care and they just want to see me back playing. That's why I want to get fit and I want to show the people what I'm capable of, and what Australia is capable of producing.

Our brief interview drew a crowd. Harry happily signed autographs and posed for photos. Then he was off again, through the busy airport.


the guy has obviously been blighted for ages through injury after injury whilst under liverpools employ. unfortunate as that is, however, the time has come to either shape up or ship out harry. there are options now on the left. fit ones at that. plus,not to mention the wages saved...

(although saying that, aurelio/riise and gonzalez/zenden hardly seem first team possibilities at the moment)  ???

apologies if this is in the wrong place. it is relevent though. and some news is better than none.... even if it isnt strictly official.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 1:10 pm
by Mannyk
Sort of sad in one way. As Liverpool really has never seen the best of a player that promised so much although he did have a good run at the end of last season.

I love watching a confident and fit Harry Kewell. I hope he can sort out his problems although I realy can't see the fans waiting for too much longer for him to come good. You are right in saying that Christmas is looking like the time he may be fit and if he isn't then may be it is time for him to move on or face the reality that he will never be back.

The problem is  Who will buy him? ???? ???? and why would you? ???.

Also the fact that Liverpool do pay his wages mean that he has an obligation to get fit. But sad to say if he doesn't come good this time  then it's the end of his career.

Good luck Harry.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 5:30 pm
by red37
another update for all youse dying to know... ???

Kewell puts faith in Sydney docs

September 17, 2006

Liverpool coach Rafael Benitez revealed yesterday he would be happy for Harry Kewell to remain in Australia if that's what it takes for the Socceroo to finally regain full fitness.

Kewell returned to Sydney last week hoping to find a solution to both a long-term arthritic condition in his foot and the groin problem which has sidelined him since the World Cup.

With Kewell, who is 28 on Friday, having admitted he has "tried everywhere in Europe", he and Benitez are now praying for better news on Tuesday following a series of consultations with Sydney surgeons over the past 48 hours.

Benitez told The Sun-Herald Liverpool had no problem with Kewell staying in Sydney for surgery, should it emerge as the best option.

"Harry has gone over there [to Sydney] to have it looked at," he said, adding: "We're not sure if he needs surgery. We just needed to hear it from another voice, in terms of having a second opinion. "

Kewell's manager, Bernie Mandic, confirmed yesterday the midfielder had visited several specialists in Sydney over the past few days.

"Harry's been looked at by a whole bunch of specialists in Sydney," Mandic said. "Those results are due back Tuesday morning and will be passed on immediately to Liverpool, who will make the final decision.

"If it's decided that no surgery is to take place in Sydney, Harry could be on a flight back to the UK later the same afternoon. If the club gives the all clear for surgery to proceed here, he would probably remain in Sydney for at least another fortnight."

Mandic added that while the uncertainty had been unsettling, Kewell remained optimistic, saying "he's prepared do whatever it takes to get back to his old self".

Kewell arrived in Australia last weekend.

"I've been everywhere in Europe," he told Channel Nine. "We've got to a point where we'd try Australia because Australia's got the best surgeons in the world."

He admitted he had no real idea when he would be playing for Liverpool again, saying he hoped to make a full recovery and would take it from there.

lost cause springs to mind.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 10:58 am
by redmikey
he gained alot of peoples support last year with his level of performance so i hope he hears what he needs to sort his head out as much as his groin, and no one knows what rafa is saying when he quotes to the press because he is so guarded, happy for him to stay there dosn't sound good for harry imo

imho time is running out for harry and his boyhood club, one last chance maybe!!

PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 9:21 am
by murphy0151
taking it easy, says it all really.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 3:08 pm
by SouthCoastShankly
There's no doubt what a fit Harry Kewell can offer the team. He is a quality player who when fit is one of the best left midfielders in england. The problem lies with his wages, he just isn't justifying his salary. Maybe the answer is to re-negotiate on a pay-per-play basis.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 5:22 pm
by 1234ram
i tink we sud off gave him a1 more chance
he gt 2 mch potentiol

PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 5:13 am
by cheesecake
In my opinion, total catastrophe. We have never seen the best of this man at Liverpool and is seems we are destined never to do so in the future. Kewell will be gone by Christmas. What an absolute and utter shame we never saw a sustained period of Harry Kewell with wings fully spread at Anfield. Will remain as one of my all time greatest frustrations. Good luck on future projects Harry, whichever club that may be at?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 12:45 pm
by red37
just another update in this fast becoming 'popular' thread  :D


Steve Hunter 20 September 2006

Australian international Harry Kewell faces a further spell on the sidelines after it was confirmed he needs another operation. 
Club spokesman Ian Cotton said: "Harry has had a follow-up opinion and unfortunately requires further surgery on the foot problem he suffered during the World Cup.
"Again, contrary to some media reports Harry does not have and has never suffered from gout. This suggestion originally came from one of his own Australian team-mates during the tournament in Germany and is totally incorrect.
"On his return to Liverpool following the World Cup, Harry was actually diagnosed as having Septic Arthritis – a bacterial infection in the joints of his left foot. A primary procedure to drain the infection was performed in July but it will require further surgery to address his subsequent problems. The second operation will take place this week in Australia and only after that will we have an accurate idea on the length of his rehabilitation period."


i dont know whether to laugh or cry over the kewell saga. so for now ill just shake my head in the vain hope we can still either perform miracles a la 'steve austin'  £5 and a half million dollar man style.. or possibly more realistically, get a few quid from spurs come january. and even thats highly optimistic at this stage.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 8:23 am
by Ciggy
How long will it take for him to even start training after this op?

PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 4:14 pm
by red37
first op out the way for harry kewell, just thought id let you all know how he's doing, according to aussie media. (this thread is near enough turning into a one-way conversation in a doctors surgery!) 

come on folks...what do you reckon the chances of seeing this fella in anything like his prime again. let alone actually making the cut at liverpool. its a good job he's loved somewhere.....:D

Kewell's on the mend and warns: watch out, world

Danny Weidler
September 24, 2006


No question - I'll come back stronger, quicker and fitter. I've been out for a long time and I'm hungry.
Pleased with his progress: Harry Kewell says he's in a bit of pain now but expects to be fine in a couple of days.

for now, Harry Kewell finds it virtually impossible to walk from his bed to the shower in his family home at Smithfield without pain. But soon, he says, he will be ready to dominate the world's football fields.

A day after having surgery to his legs and with both feet wrapped in bandages, Kewell says he can't wait to get back on the field and describes his long-term football future as "very rosy".

"No question - I'll come back stronger, quicker and fitter," he said. "I've been out for a long time and I'm hungry to come back into it - that's what I'm really looking forward to."

Kewell, who turned 28 on Friday, is due to see his specialist tomorrow after surgery to strip the bone in the big toe on his left foot, which he says was "all smashed up". This was the toe that was attacked by septic arthritis, a bacterial infection.

Surgeon Kim Slater also scraped the tibialis tendon in his right ankle to ease inflammation.

Kewell is to have a hip arthroscopy this week to ease pain in his troublesome groin.

"I can walk around now but I have to be very, very careful," he said. "It's going to be a couple of weeks before I can do anything.

"I'm in a bit of pain now but expect to be fine in a couple of days."

Does he sometimes wonder why he puts himself through all this pain?

"Yeah, but it's part and parcel of football," he said. "If you pick up an injury, you've got to deal with it. You've got to move on."

He said being separated from his wife Sheree and son Taylor, 5, and daughter Ruby, 3, has been just as hard as dealing with his injuries. "Probably harder," he said.

Kewell's last match was Australia's heart-stopping draw with Croatia in the World Cup in June.

He said he was unsure when he would return to the pitch, but expects to spend at least two more weeks in Australia.

Kewell is unlikely to be in Australia to see the Europe-based Socceroos return for the match against Paraguay on October 7 and the next Asian Cup qualifier against Bahrain the following Wednesday.

He said his English club Liverpool has been supportive while he recovers from his injuries.

"We've discussed everything since I've been out here," he said. "They know exactly what I'm doing and that's how we like it, we like to keep everything open.

"They've been fantastic through the whole thing as well."

The best footballer Australia has produced says he is optimistic about the future of the game in this country but warns supporters it will take time for the game to find its feet here.

He also supports Australia's selecting an international coach to take charge of the Socceroos in the long term, mainly because "we're all playing overseas" and he would "know all about the players".

PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 8:48 pm
by 7_Kewell
a nasty injury to have and lets hope he comes back 100%

PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:33 pm
by PabloAimar
I think Harry Kewell will walk straight back into the starting 11 once he is half fit.

Technically, he stands head and shoulders above everyone else at lfc - except maybe xabi alonso.

I await rude responses from the 'senior' members of this board (who still think peter crouch is the best footballer in the world, even tho he cant get into liverpool's starting 11)

PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:41 pm
by 66-1112520797
I await rude responses from the 'senior' members of this board (who still think peter crouch is the best footballer in the world, even tho he cant get into liverpool's starting 11)[quote]

Is this like a ..... ' I told you so' comment ?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:27 pm
by kazza
red37 wrote:Kewell's on the mend and warns: watch out, world

:sleep   :sleep

Too little too late